Nancy Newton Verrier, M.A.

In this interview, Nancy Verrier, author of "The Primal Wound" and "Coming Home to Self," discusses issues related to adoption. As an adoptive mother herself, she brings wonderful insight into the issues of abandonment, trust, loss, and fear. Since its original publication in 1993, "The Primal Wound" has become a classic in adoption literature.
Listen in as Nancy explains why adopted children sometimes just feel like they don't "fit in." Nancy brings to light how important it is for adoptive parents to understand their children and to really "get them."
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Dr. Bruce Perry

Dr. Johnson is one of the world's foremost experts on health and developmental issues affecting the institutionalized child. He is the founder and director of the International Adoption Clinic, as well as an adoptive father.
Dr. Johnson discusses the effects of early childhood deprivation from a medical perspective and how early trauma impacts a child's physical and emotional development. This is a valuable and a "must-listen-to" interview for any parent in the early stages of adoption or who have already adopted children.
Dr. Dana Johnson
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Claudia Roberts, Esquire, is an educational advocate with Florida Special Education and Advocacy. Her initial interest in this field came through her direct experience as a mother of two children with special needs. Claudia shares her passion for making certain that children are given exactly what they need to succeed.
Listen into this discussion and learn more about the notorious document known as the "IEP" (Individual Educational Plan). Learn more about a child's eligibility for an IEP, how to prepare for an IEP meeting, and what additional resources you may need to bring to the table when attending an IEP meeting.
Claudia Roberts, Esquire

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Dr. Andrew Newberg

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Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D. is the Senior Fellow of The ChildTrauma Academy, a not-for-profit organization based in Houston that promotes innovations in service, research and education in child maltreatment and childhood trauma. Dr. Perry is the co-author of "The Boy Who Was Raised As A Dog: What Traumatized Children Can Teach Us About Loss, Love and Healing."
Listen in as we discuss developmental neuroscience, the stress response system, and how trauma affects a child's development. Dr. Perry speaks directly to the misunderstandings surrounding the issues of children and trauma.

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Dr. Arthur Becker-Weidman

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In honor of National Adoption Month, Sherrie Eldridge speaks about her greatest passion: adoption, adopted children, and how their parents are drawn closer. Sherrie is the author of five books, including her latest publication "20 Things Adoptive Parents Need to Succeed."
As an adopted person herself, Sherrie blends practical adoption truths with life-changing principles. Sherrie's work helps parents to see adoption from their child's perspective, to provide love in ways their child can receive, and to gain confidence in starting discussions with their children about their past.
Sherrie Eldridge

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Carol Stock Kranowitz, M.A.

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Marilyn McClure

Robert Scaer, M.D. is Board Certified in Neurology and has been in practice for 33 years. More recently, he has been involved in the study of traumatic stress its role in physical symptoms and diseases. He is the author of "The Trauma Spectrum" and "The Body Bears the Burden."
This discussion with Dr. Robert Scaer and Heather T. Forbes, LCSW, centers on the connection of childhood trauma and the addictive nature of video games. Dr. Scaer discusses how trauma, at an unconscious level, can heighten a child's arousal system, creating the child's need to seek extreme excitement and pleasure.
Robert Scaer, M.D.
Dr. Andrew Newberg is a Professor and Director of Research at the Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University and Hospital. He is the author of numerous books, including "Why We Believe What We Believe."
Listen in as Dr. Newberg discusses how our belief systems affect the chemistry and neurology of our bodies. Learn how a child's beliefs are hard wired in the developing years and why children hold on so strongly to these beliefs, whether they are truthful
or not. This interview will give you a deeper understanding as to why a child may adamantly believe from his experiences that he isn't lovable.
Dr. Arthur Becker-Weidman directs the Center for Family Development in Williamsville New York, providing attachment oriented evaluations and treatment. He is the author of "Creating Capacity for Attachment." This comprehensive text describes the theory and practice of Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy.
In this discussion, Dr. Becker-Weidman details Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy and ways to make sense of the profound and difficult behaviors of children. Learn more about how relational trauma affects a chlid's stress response system and ways to create more understanding for your child.
A former art teacher who left her job to advocate for her special needs daughter, Marilyn McClure is an independent advocate who supports parents when meetings with schools are not successful. Marilyn has an extensive history in working with schools,both from the professional and personal sides of her life.
Marilyn discusses how parents can become better prepared for school meetings. She discusses strategic ways parents can advocate for their children in order to be heard and to be taken seriously. This interview is well worth your time, no matter if you are preparing for a small teacher conference or a large, complex IEP meeting.
Carol Kranowitz, author of "The Out-of-Sync Child" and "The Out-of-Sync Child Has Fun," discusses Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). As a music, movement, and drama teacher for 25 years, she observed many out-of-sync preschoolers. To help them, she began to study sensory processing and sensory integration ("SI") theory.
Listen in as Carol explains what it means for a child to not have control over his own body and how to identify if your child may be struggling with SPD. She gives real-life solutions to help your child exercise his nuerological system to return back to a state of balance and regulation.